We all know how popular baby pictures are these days. With the holidays over, I am sure you too noticed the abundance of holiday cards that flaunted the children of those sending the season’s greetings!
This year, I saw several photos that were quite clever. From wrapping the child in Christmas lights to a newborn in a Christmas stocking, to the classic Santa or Christmas tree picture, I was once again reminded of the popularity of baby pictures.
In essence, a baby picture captures the innocence and sweet personality of a new addition to the world. These days, baby pictures begin before the child even enters the world! Not that I am complaining, I absolutely adore witnessing the growth of a child from newborn to toddler and beyond.
The innocence of a new life truly makes me question celebrities these days that look for the magazine, tabloid or other publication that will pay them the most to capture the first photography of their baby. A Business Insider article, “The Most Expensive Celebrity Cover Babies Ever” will make you sick with the amount of money some celebrities were paid for exclusive pictures of their new babies. The most outrageous sum paid was between $11 and $15 million for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s twins in 2008.
I cannot decide if this says more about our society or the parents willing to subject their newborns to the criticism of the world for a quick buck. Call me old school, but to me baby pictures and photographs of children, should not be a means for exploiting your child for money.
Post by Jon Elder of Jon Elder Productions